Sunday, October 29, 2017

Learning Strategies - Due Date: Nov. 17

Title:  Learning Strategies

  • Record the strategies introduced and demonstrated in class during the History of Education unit.  You will need to record the name of the strategy, then add a brief description of the strategy that will help you remember how it is used.  
  • Number your entries.

1.  Blind Sequence:  In small groups, have students place in order cards with concepts, dates, or ideas on them.  This should be done prior to the study of the information.  Check students' responses to see how much knowledge they have.  Share correct sequence as unit is introduced.

2.  Enter your second strategy as it is introduced.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Digital Journal Slide (DJ) Due Oct. 4

Title:  The Leader in Me!

Transferable Skills:  Skills used to perform a task or job that can be applied to another situation.  

Leadership Observed

How are an effective teacher and a good leader similar?  Through what actions and activities does a teacher use leadership skills?  Explain your answer with 3 examples, anecdotes, testimonials, or more of leadership displayed by past and present teachers you have had or teachers portrayed in movies, television and literature.

My Leadership in Action

How will you improve your own leadership skills this year?  List organizations or activities in which you are involved in school and the community.  Describe how participation in these groups will help or has helped develop your leadership.  What? You don't have any experiences with leadership?  What are some organizations that focus on leadership?  Explain how they could help you develop our leadership skills.  Be specific.  

1.  Responds to the following prompts above.  You should have two portions in your response - label one portion Leadership Observed and the other My Leadership in Action.  (See layout above)

2.  Format your response by adding spacing between paragraphs or sections of your entry, adding interest with font selection, size, color, alignment, and more.

3.  Add two pictures/graphics to give interest to your slide.  (Hint:  Drag or copy pictures to the desktop.  Then drag them from the desktop to your slide.  Position and resize to add visual interest.)

4.  Share your slide by clicking the blue share button, then the button on the top right and make sure it turns green.  Edit and make changes as necessary.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Blog Due: Wednesday, September 27

Your Title:  The Top 20 Characteristics/Dispositions Teachers Need

In a column, list 20 words that you feel are the top characteristics or dispositions needed by a teacher to be effective.  Note:  Avoid vague or overused general terms such as nice, happy, cool, fun, awesome, and others that are slang terms.

Next, select 5 of the words and give an example of how this would look or sound in an effective teacher.
Joy:  The joyful teacher helped her students feel great pleasure and happiness when they mastered the task of learning to divide with two-digit divisors!

  • Which characteristic do you feel is the most important for a teacher to display in the classroom?  Why?
  • Identify a characteristic which is not one of your stronger traits.  What will this mean for the way you operate in the classroom?

Using the 20 words you defined, create a word cloud using Word It Out.
Helpful hints:  Copy the list of 20 words you made above and paste in the word cloud generator.
Be sure that you include your first and last name at the top of the list. First~Last
Words that stick together such as your name need to have a "~" inserted between them.
You may pick a font, colors, and more, but be sure that your cloud is readable

Embed your word cloud in your blog.  Hint:  Command Shift 4, then drag from desktop to your blog.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Blog due September 8, 2017

Title:  Is Teaching Right for You? 

Recently, you answered 10 questions about teaching that were designed to help you think about your reasons for choosing a career in education.  Take a look at your score.  Did it surprise you?

Report your score, then discuss your the following:

  • Do you think your score was accurate?
  • What questions or responses surprised you?  Why?
  • How sure are you about becoming a teacher?
  • What is it that you hope to discover from this class? 

Be sure to do the following:

  • Begin by copying the exact title of this blog.
  • Write in conversational dialogue.  Avoid lists that look like you just answered the questions.
  • Save frequently so you don't loose your work.
  • Use the spelling check feature to proofread your work.  Then YOU proofread it. 
  • Publish so that your teacher can see your work.
  • Log out of blogger and your google account.
  • Make the title a different font size and color
  • Break up the text with spaces, headings, and an interesting layout.

Welcome to Principles of Education and Training!

This blog is an opportunity for you express yourself as you explore the world of teaching.  Use it to express your opinions,  reveal your knowledge and develop your philosophy surrounding your future profession.  Use your words to help you discover the teacher in you.  Happy blogging!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Blog Due May 12, 2017

Title:  Credentials That Will Make a Difference

You've heard all about 20 + or - post-secondary institutions from across the state and nation during our investigation of venues to obtain your education.  One of details shared about each career and related major your peers selected was the type of credential(s) necessary to obtain employment.

So what are the various types of credentials, how much time do they take to obtain, and where do they fall on the degree hierarchy?  Copy and complete the table below (also on this week's wiki) as you uncover the information about credentials.

A Good Source of Information:
A video and text about post-secondary degrees is available below. Use your earbuds or the class headphones to as you watch the video. Be sure to look at the text information below the video. It has necessary information you will need to know.

Click here for information about degrees.

Click here for more information about certifications.


When finished, screenshot the completed table and paste in your blog.Answer the following questions:Name of your dream career:What type of credential(s) will you need to gain employment in your dream career?Where do you hope to pursue your credential(s)?

Saturday, April 8, 2017

P. 4 - Due Thursday, April 13 - A Visit with the Guidance Counselor

Recently, you had the opportunity to visit with one of your campus guidance counselors and learn about a number of factors surrounding his/her job.

Make a comment/compliment sandwich on this blog which includes something about one of the following:
  • Her education background
  • The journey that brought her to the position as a guidance counselor
  • The tasks she has to do on a regular and irregular basis
  • The personal characteristics needed to be successful as a guidance counselor
  • How she serves students, faculty and staff, and the community
  • The skills necessary to be a successful guidance counselor
  • The rewards of being a guidance counselor
Be sure that the comment portion of your remark adds value to the discussion.  Other readers should be able to take something thought-provoking away from your entry.  

Required:  You must BEGIN with your name, followed by the compliment/comment sandwich.  

P. 1 - Due Thursday, April 13 - A Visit with the Guidance Counselor

Recently, you had the opportunity to visit with one of your campus guidance counselors and learn about a number of factors surrounding his/her job.

Make a comment/compliment sandwich on this blog which includes something about one of the following:
  • Her education background
  • The journey that brought her to the position as a guidance counselor
  • The tasks she has to do on a regular and irregular basis
  • The personal characteristics needed to be successful as a guidance counselor
  • How she serves students, faculty and staff, and the community
  • The skills necessary to be a successful guidance counselor
  • The rewards of being a guidance counselor
Be sure that the comment portion of your remark adds value to the discussion.  Other readers should be able to take something thought-provoking away from your entry.  

Required:  You must BEGIN with your name, followed by the compliment/comment sandwich.  

Friday, April 7, 2017

Period 4 - Due Friday, April 7 - A Visit With the Librarian

Recently, you had the opportunity to visit with your campus librarian and learn about a number of factors surrounding her job:
  • Her education background
  • The journey that brought her to the position as librarian
  • The tasks she has to do on a regular and irregular basis
  • The personal characteristics needed to be successful as a librarian
  • How she serves students, faculty and staff, and the community
  • The skills necessary to be a successful librarian
  • The rewards of being a librarian
After discussing the class guidelines for making comments and compliments on a blog, add a compliment/comment sandwich as a comment to this blog.  Try to keep it to one or two sentences.  It may be a compound sentence, but do not turn it into a run-on sentence.   Be sure the comment portion remarks on something you learned in the interview conducted with the librarian.  You will need to use her name in your remark.

Example:  I love the comfortable sofas for reading in the library, and I was surprised that Mrs.  ___________ has to ______________ as part of her duties as a librarian.

Example:  Mrs. __________ is so friendly, but I was shocked when she told us that _____________ are hardly every used in the library.

Example:  Way to go, Mrs. ______________!  You have improved the library by (describe improvement).

Example:  I agree with ____________.  You work very hard, as evidenced by the (describe task) you have to do every year.

Note:  This is a daily grade in which you must use proper writing conventions: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, sentence construction.

Period 1 - Due Friday, April 7 - A Visit with the Librarian

Recently, you had the opportunity to visit with your campus librarian and learn about a number of factors surrounding her job:
  • Her education background
  • The journey that brought her to the position as librarian
  • The tasks she has to do on a regular and irregular basis
  • The personal characteristics needed to be successful as a librarian
  • How she serves students, faculty and staff, and the community
  • The skills necessary to be a successful librarian
  • The rewards of being a librarian
After discussing the class guidelines for making comments and compliments on a blog, add a compliment/comment sandwich as a comment to this blog.  Try to keep it to one or two sentences.  It may be a compound sentence, but do not turn it into a run-on sentence.   Be sure the comment portion remarks on something you learned in the interview conducted with the librarian.  You will need to use her name in your remark.

Example:  I love the comfortable sofas for reading in the library, and I was surprised that Mrs.  ___________ has to ______________ as part of her duties as a librarian.

Example:  Mrs. __________ is so friendly, but I was shocked when she told us that _____________ are hardly every used in the library.

Example:  Way to go, Mrs. ______________!  You have improved the library by (describe improvement).

Example:  I agree with ____________.  You work very hard, as evidenced by the (describe task) you have to do every year.

Note:  This is a daily grade in which you must use proper writing conventions: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, sentence construction.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Blog Due on Tuesday, March 28

Title:  Issues in Education: How Much Do Voters Know?

You have recently learned who some of the top administrators of education are in your school district, the state and the nation. You have learned about some of the current "hot topics" that are on the minds of education policy makers.  It is important to be knowledgable on issues that affect so much of a country's population when going to the polls and casting your vote.  The decisions made by voters and the officials they elect (or are appointed by those they elect) affect the overall well-being of the country.

See how much the eligible voters around you know about who their education administrators are and what the current "hot topics" in education happen to be.  Administer the survey you received in class to 5 people of your choice (20 points for each survey = 100 daily grade).  You may administer them to teachers, administrators, parents, community members and other students who are voting age (18) or older.  If you are over 18, you may fill out the survey once. All surveys must be fully complete and signed to count. (No partial points for an incomplete survey) You must not have more than 3 students in your sample.  You must include at least one school employee.

Review your completed surveys by filling in the table linked on your CANVAS account.  Be sure to make a copy of it,  and then post your results.  Insert a screenshot of your completed table on your blog (20 points).
Answer the following questions on your blog:

  • What do your results say about the voters you surveyed regarding their level of knowledge when voting on issues related to education? (10 pts)
  • What are some things (more that one) that could be done to expand the current awareness of issues that voters have on these issues?  (10 pts.)

Remember the blog rules.  2 media sources, original ideas, and follow spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar rules. Complete the rubric for your blog and staple your completed surveys behind it.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Title:  It's All About Me - How I Best Learn!
Due Date:  Friday, February 3, 2017

Everyone has a unique combination of experiences, expectations, and abilities.  This allows us to showcase the particular qualities that make us individuals.  However, in education, often times there is an unwritten expected mold that students are supposed to fit into.  If your background, knowledge and skills plays to this expectation, then you will be rewarded with academic success.

What about the students that do not fit into the mold?  How do teachers make them feel valued and accepted?  What if you are one of those students who needs a climate where your differences are fostered?

As you begin to uncover your learning preferences and the characteristics that allow you to learn best, record the following information on a blog post.  You will update this blog post regularly as we add new information in class.

Be sure to begin with a title (above) and include a reference to this blog post.

My Learning Style(s)
After taking the learning styles indicator on Career Cruising, indicate your preferred learning style(s). Post a brief description in your own words of what characterizes your style(s). Discuss activities next to each of your styles that you especially like to do.  For example, if you are an auditory learner, you might indicate that you enjoy reading passages from a novel aloud in your English class.  Add a screenshot of your Learning Styles graph to your blog.  Add a media source.

My Multiple Intelligences

Add the Multiple Intelligences (2 - 4) in which you had the highest scores.  Explain briefly what each of them mean about you related to the way you like to learn.  Give an example of a learning activity or strategy that would suit you. For example,  a person with musical intelligence may like to write a song and perform it rather than write a report.  Add a screenshot of your Multiple Intelligences graph to your blog.  Add a media source.

My Hemisphericity Preference
Indicate the side of the brain you prefer to draw upon to learn.  List 5 characteristics that learners who use this side of the brain usually exhibit?  What dialogue might you be caught using with your teachers?  Add a media source to feature in this area. 

My True Colors
Indicate your "True Color".  Add a list of 10 bulleted words or phrases that best describe you from the scoring tool.  Describe what a bad day looks like for you using information from the references provided.  Add a media source. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Blog Title:  My Biggest Challenge as a Future Teacher

Blog due:  Wednesday, January 13

Recently you watched the video, Beyond the Blackboard, chronicling the teaching journey of Stacey Bess at the School With No Name.  Throughout her first year, she encountered many challenges and hurdles as she tried to help the children succeed academically. 

Think about your future as a teacher.  What are two of the biggest hurdles or challenges you think you might encounter?  Describe how each challenge will affect the academic progress of your students.  What steps can you take to deal with each of these hurdles or challenges?

Note:  Be sure to reference Mrs. Kallas's blog post.  Add at least 1 additional source of media.  It may be a pic, an embedded video, or a link to a related article.

Click here to see what others think are major challenges.

Here are some more ideas about what challenges teachers face.

These ideas may give you a different perspective on classroom challenges.