Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Blog due September 8, 2017

Title:  Is Teaching Right for You? 

Recently, you answered 10 questions about teaching that were designed to help you think about your reasons for choosing a career in education.  Take a look at your score.  Did it surprise you?

Report your score, then discuss your the following:

  • Do you think your score was accurate?
  • What questions or responses surprised you?  Why?
  • How sure are you about becoming a teacher?
  • What is it that you hope to discover from this class? 

Be sure to do the following:

  • Begin by copying the exact title of this blog.
  • Write in conversational dialogue.  Avoid lists that look like you just answered the questions.
  • Save frequently so you don't loose your work.
  • Use the spelling check feature to proofread your work.  Then YOU proofread it. 
  • Publish so that your teacher can see your work.
  • Log out of blogger and your google account.
  • Make the title a different font size and color
  • Break up the text with spaces, headings, and an interesting layout.


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