Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blog Due April 6

Image result for College knowledgeTitle:  Self-Evaluation of College Knowledge Presentation

Reflect on your College Knowledge presentation.  Put in the required elements and answer 4 questions of your choice from the ones listed below.

All answers must be written in complete sentences.  Answers should be a minimum of two sentences.

Required Elements:  

  • Title (10 points)
  • Link to Kallas blog post (10 points)

Responses to 4 (four) of the following questions (20 points each):

  • What I liked best about my College Knowledge slide deck was...
  • A technology skill I learned (or reinforced) from this assignment was ...
  • A fact that I learned or was surprised about was ...
  • I would consider attending (school name) because ...
  • What my audience learned during my presentation was ...
  • The best part of my presentation was ...
  • If I could have a do-over I would change the following: 
  • A mistake I will avoid the next time I create a Google slide deck is...
  • A mistake I will avoid the next time I present in front of an audience is ...
  • I think my peers would describe my presentation as .... because...
  • On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 is highest), I think I earned a ___ on my presentation because ...
  • On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 is highest), I think I earned a ___ on my slide deck because ...

Remember, -1 point for each error in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and composition.
Keep formatting in mind for readability.

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