Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blog Due April 6

Image result for College knowledgeTitle:  Self-Evaluation of College Knowledge Presentation

Reflect on your College Knowledge presentation.  Put in the required elements and answer 4 questions of your choice from the ones listed below.

All answers must be written in complete sentences.  Answers should be a minimum of two sentences.

Required Elements:  

  • Title (10 points)
  • Link to Kallas blog post (10 points)

Responses to 4 (four) of the following questions (20 points each):

  • What I liked best about my College Knowledge slide deck was...
  • A technology skill I learned (or reinforced) from this assignment was ...
  • A fact that I learned or was surprised about was ...
  • I would consider attending (school name) because ...
  • What my audience learned during my presentation was ...
  • The best part of my presentation was ...
  • If I could have a do-over I would change the following: 
  • A mistake I will avoid the next time I create a Google slide deck is...
  • A mistake I will avoid the next time I present in front of an audience is ...
  • I think my peers would describe my presentation as .... because...
  • On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 is highest), I think I earned a ___ on my presentation because ...
  • On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 is highest), I think I earned a ___ on my slide deck because ...

Remember, -1 point for each error in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and composition.
Keep formatting in mind for readability.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Blog due March 9

Title:  Issues in Education: How Much Do Voters Know?

You have recently learned who some of the top administrators of education are in your school district, the state and the nation. You have learned about some of the current "hot topics" that are on the minds of education policy makers.  It is important to be knowledgable on issues that affect so much of a country's population when going to the polls and casting your vote.  The decisions made by voters and the officials they elect (or are appointed by those they elect) affect the overall well-being of the country.

See how much the eligible voters around you know about who their education administrators are and what the current "hot topics" in education happen to be.  Administer the survey you received in class to 5 people of your choice (20 points for each survey = 100 daily grade).  You may administer them to teachers, administrators, parents, community members and other students who are voting age (18) or older.  If you are over 18, you may fill out the survey once. All surveys must be fully complete and signed to count. (No partial points for an incomplete survey) You must not have more than 3 students in your sample.  You must include at least one school employee.

Review your completed surveys by filling in the table linked on your CANVAS account.  Be sure to make a copy of it,  and then post your results.  Insert a screenshot of your completed table on your blog (20 points).
Answer the following questions on your blog:

  • What do your results say about the voters you surveyed regarding their level of knowledge when voting on issues related to education? (10 pts)
  • What are 2 things that could be done to expand the current awareness of issues that voters have on these issues?  (10 pts.)

Remember the blog rules.  2 media sources, original ideas, and follow spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar rules. Complete the rubric for your blog and staple your completed surveys behind it.