Sunday, August 28, 2016

Big Plans

TITLE:  Big Plans 

Due:  Friday, September 2

After listening to the book, Big Plans, by Bob Shea and Lane Smith, post the answers to the following questions to describe your big plans. 
  1. Projected high school graduation year
  2. Dream occupation:  The career or job you hope to land
  3. After graduation plans: college, technical school, on-the-job training, other.  Include the name of the institution or company where you plan to get the education needed to do your dream job.
  4. What other experiences will help you get there? For example, if you would like to be a corporate trainer for a Fortune 500 company, will you need to start out as an intern in college? Will you need to be an assistant for a small company first? What type of education will you need.
  5. What interests about this career/job? Why do you think this is a good fit? (complete sentences)