Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Blog due Friday, December 2

Title:  Early History of Education in America

You've studied it, read about it, and made note of the important points of the beginnings of American education through the Depression.  Now it's time to show what you know.  Select one (1) of the following prompts and create a post that shows your understanding education during that period.  Be sure that you answer the prompt.

Image result for early schoolhouseA.  One-room schoolhouses with a single teacher responsible for all grades developed in rural areas with limited population.  A few of these schools still exist.  If you were teaching in such a school now, how could technology help you manage to teach students at so many different levels.

B.  During the Great Depression of the 1930s, some teachers continued to work for little or not pay.  What do you think motivated them?  How do you think you would react as a teacher, if a similar situation occurred?  What factors would you weigh as part of you decision?

Image result for early schoolhouseC.  Throughout the early history of education in America, teachers were held in great respect and were expected to be role models for students.  In your opinion, how are teachers regarded today?  Give reasons for your views.

Notes:  You must answer the prompt - don't go off on a tangent.  You must make reference and create a pathway to this prompt.  You must include at least one additional source of media (pic, photo, link, etc.)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Water is Wide Reflection

Now that you have viewed the video about a young controversial school teacher and his unconventional style used to inspire children, reflect on the questions below.  Select 4 and post the responses on your blog.  Note: Each part of Question 6 counts as an individual question.  (20 points each.) Questions must be answered using standard rules for good writing.  Be sure to number your responses.  If not, you will need to copy the questions.

Learn how to link the original blog prompt to your post.  
(20 points if done properly)
(10 points if link is present but labeled wrong)
(0 points for no link to blog prompt.)

Questions to Ponder:
  1. In what ways has education changed since the 1960s?
  2. In what ways has it stayed the same since the 1960s?
  3. Describe a teacher you know or knew who is or was very conventional and is or was tied to doing things the way they have or always had been done. (Do not use real names.)
  4. Describe three ways that Mr. Conroy inspired his children to learn that were unconventional.
  5. How did he get the community to support the school?
  6. What roadblocks did he encounter with
    1. the children?
    2. his coworker?
    3. the community?
  7. What attributes did Mr. Conroy have that were characteristics found in most effective teachers? (List at least 5 and explain with example from the movie.)
  8. What idea/thought do you carry away from this movie that you will apply to your future career?

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

An Interview with Mrs. Kallas

Read about my interview and observation with Mrs. Kallas below.  I hope you enjoy the facts I discovered.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Blog Due on Friday October 7, 2016

Title:  The Leader in Me!

Transferable Skills:  Skills used to perform a task or job that can be applied to another situation.  

Leadership Observed

How are an effective teacher and a good leader similar?  Through what actions and activities does a teacher use leadership skills?  Explain your answer with 3 examples, anecdotes, testimonials, or more of leadership displayed by past and present teachers you have had or teachers portrayed in movies, television and literature.

My Leadership in Action

How will you improve your own leadership skills this year?  List organizations or activities in which you are involved in school and the community.  Describe how participation in these groups will help or has helped develop your leadership.  What? You don't have any experiences with leadership?  What are some organizations that focus on leadership?  Explain how they could help you develop our leadership skills.  Be specific.  

1.  Responds to the following blog prompts above.  You should have two portions in your response - label one portion Leadership Observed and the other My Leadership in Action.  

2.  Format your response by adding spacing between paragraphs or sections of your entry, adding interest with font selection, size, color, alignment, and more.

3.  Add two pictures/graphics to give interest to your blog.  (Hint:  Drag or copy pictures to the desktop.  Then drag them from the desktop to your blog.  Position and resize to add visual interest.)

4.  Save frequently.  Publish your post.  View your blog by selecting the "View blog" button next to Blogger on the upper left side of your post screen.  Edit and "update" so changes may be viewed.  Happy blogging!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Top 20 Characteristics of Effective Teachers

Your Title:  The Top 20 Characteristics/Dispositions Teachers Need

Due:  Friday, September 16

In a column, list 20 words that you feel are the top characteristics or dispositions needed by a teacher to be effective.  Please make sure that your words are in the right tense.  Example:  Joy is not a characteristic or disposition.  Joyful is.

Next, select 5 of the words and define how this would look or sound in an effective teacher.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Big Plans

TITLE:  Big Plans 

Due:  Friday, September 2

After listening to the book, Big Plans, by Bob Shea and Lane Smith, post the answers to the following questions to describe your big plans. 
  1. Projected high school graduation year
  2. Dream occupation:  The career or job you hope to land
  3. After graduation plans: college, technical school, on-the-job training, other.  Include the name of the institution or company where you plan to get the education needed to do your dream job.
  4. What other experiences will help you get there? For example, if you would like to be a corporate trainer for a Fortune 500 company, will you need to start out as an intern in college? Will you need to be an assistant for a small company first? What type of education will you need.
  5. What interests about this career/job? Why do you think this is a good fit? (complete sentences)